5 Virtues Healing
Acupuncture & Traditional Medicine
Whenever eminent physicians treat an illness, they must quiet the spirit and settle the will, they must be free of wants and desires, and they must first develop a heart full of great compassion and empathy. They must pledge to devote themselves completely to relieving the suffering of all sentient beings.
Personalized Treatment
Everybody holds the key to their own healing, but sometimes the body needs a little help. As an experienced Herbalist and Acupuncturist, I work with you to restore your balance and help you find your center. Every treatment is personalized for your needs using the therapies below.
“Every human being is the author of his own health or disease”
5 Virtues Healing
Are you interested in acupuncture and traditional medicine? Do you have questions about how it works, or if it will work for you? Call us, or fill out the contact form and we'll call you. Your Acupuncture Discovery call is always free.
Vibrant health and vitality are within your reach.
65 Route 4 East, 2nd Fl
River Edge, NJ 07661
201 989 9304